Alvida is a newly released Hindi song. Alvida song sung and written by Arpan Singh. The song has received more than 20k views under one day after release. If you also love the song and looking for the lyrics then read the complete song Alvida lyrics in English and Hindi.
Before we get to our lyric section, here are some details about the song Alvida by Arpan Singh.
Song details

Singer & Lyricist: Arpan Singh
Composer: San J Saini
Arranger/Programmer: San J Saini
Category: Hindi song
Release date: June 3rd 2023
Alvida lyrics in English by Arpan Singh
Read Alvida song lyrics in English here
Chhod Diya daman Tera
Lo Ham Chale Alvida
Chhod Diya daman Tera
Lo Ham Chale Alvida
Baffaye Yaad Bhi Rahegi
Sath Dua bhi Rahengi
Ke Chehre Se Tere Kabhi
jaaye na Khushi
Tu Humsafar Ab Na Raha
Lo Ham Chale Alvida
Chhod Diya daman Tera
Lo Ham Chale Alvida
Judaai Pe Dil Ke
Tukde hue hain
Ab Na samete to
Der ho jayegi
Ab Na Milenge
Rakhna Khyal Tum
Yadon Ki Aansu Dil Mein
Laut a jaenge
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Alvida lyrics in Hindi
Read the complete song lyrics in Hindi language here-
छोड़ दिया दमन तेरा
लो हम चले अलविदा
छोड़ दिया दमन तेरा
लो हम चले अलविदा
बफ़ाये याद भी रहेगी
साथ दुआ भी रहेगी
के चेहरे से तेरे कभी
जाये ना ख़ुशी
तू हमसफ़र अब ना रहा
लो हम चले अलविदा
छोड़ दिया दमन तेरा
लो हम चले अलविदा
जुदाई पे दिल के
टुकड़े हुए हैं
अब ना समते तो
देर हो जायेगी
अब ना मिलेंगे
रखना ख्याल तुम
यादों की आंसू दिल में
लौट आ जाएँगे
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Who wrote the song Alvida lyrics?
Arpan Singh wrote the lyrics of the song.
Who sang this song?
Arpan Singh sang this song.
Final words:
We hope you like this full Hindi song Alvida lyrics in Hindi by Arpan Singh. Also, read the complete song Alvida lyrics in English on Bangla lyrics zone.
More Lyrics: