KIO LAGE BHAL is a newly released Assamese song sung by Simanta Shekhar & Nilufar Nasrin and written by Rekibul. Today in this post we are going to share the song KIO LAGE BHAL Lyrics in English and Assamese.
Song details

singer -Simanta Shekhar & Nilufar Nasrin
music– Palash Gogoi
compose & lyrics– Rekibul
Language: Assamese
KIO LAGE BHAL Lyrics in English
Read the complete lyrics in English language
Tumar Fale Ebar sale kio large bhal o Kio large bhal
Tumar Hahi Misik Misik Premor Maya Jal O premor Maya Jaal
Nokoba Ekoke Nasaba Chokule
Okora Moromok Noloba Jukai
Thakiba Durote Nahiba kakhole
Dekha Mon Pogola Borokha Nai
Kio Thakim Durote, Tumar premor Bhoyote
Jua Jeni Jame Teni Tumar Logote
Tumar Premor Bhoyote
Jua Jeni Jame Teni Tumar Logote
Olop Hahi, Olop Kotha,
Olop Akou Bukur Betha
Olop Pohor, Olop Endhar
Godhuli Mitha mitha
Olop Hahi, Olop Kotha,
Olop Akou Bukur Betha
Olop Pohor, Olop Endhar
Godhuli Mitha mitha
Nokoba ekoke nasaba chokule
Okora moromok noloba jukai
Thakiba durote nahiba kakhole
dekha mon pogola bhorokha nai
kio thakim durote
tumar premor bhoyote
jua jeni jame teni
tumar premor bhoyte
kio thakim durote
tumar premor bhoyote
jua jeni jame teni
tumar logote
Monot fagun, hiyat agun,
rati rati, tumar hopun
Apun apun, Bukur Apun
Aru Tumi akhar dapun
Monot fagun, hiyat agun,
rati rati, tumar hopun
Apun apun, Bukur Apun
Aru Tumi akhar dapun
Nokoba ekoke, nasaba chokule
okora moromok noloba jukai
thakiba durote nahiba kakhole
dekha mon pogola borokha nai
Kio thakim tumar premor bhoytote
jua jeni jame teni tumar logote
Kio thakim tumar premor bhoytote
jua jeni jame teni tumar logote
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KIO LAGE BHAL Lyrics in Assamese
Read the Lyrics in the Assamese language here
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Final words:
We hope you like this Assamese song KIO LAGE BHAL Lyrics in English by Simanta Shekhar & Nilufar Nasrin. Also, read KIO LAGE BHAL lyrics in Assamese on the Bangla lyrics zone.