Hori Hori Manisung Moi lyrics are a much-discussed topic. After releasing the song on YouTube, many people are looking for the lyrics of this song, and today in this post, we are going to bring the latest Hori Hori Manisung song lyrics in both English and Assamese language.
But before we head to our content, here are some details about the song-
Song Details-
Hori Hori Manisung lyrics by KrishnaRaaz is a newly published Assamese song. Hori Hori Manisung Moi Lyrics were written by Sarat Sravan, while the music was composed by KrishnaRaaz.

Song: Hori Hori Manisung Moi
Singer(s): KrishnaRaaz
Musician(s): KrishnaRaaz
Written by: Sarat Sravan
Label: Dhwani Music
Listen to this Assamese song Here-
Hori Hori Manisung Moi Lyrics in English
Read Hori Hori Manisung Moi Lyrics in English language-
Tuk dekhi moromote ekula
Loboloi mone jai
Tuk dekhi dhemalite esuma
Diboloi mone jai
O toi janoe dekhun mure bukut
Tuke disung thai
Peeche moromor umaan turenu bukut
Napaisung hai nepaisung hai moi
Ram ram hori hori manisung moi
Keloinu pani pani khuwaiso toi
Bhabisilung morome bandhime
Tuk jidinaa mur bukute
Umoli thakibi hidinaa
Bukukhoni keloinu bhangiso khundiso
Nijor buli bhabung tuk nisekei nubujo
O toi janoi dekhun
Mure bukut tuke disung thai
Pise moromor umaan turenu bukut
Nepaisung he nepaisung moi
Ram Ram Hori Hori manisung moi
Keloi nu pani pani khuwaiso toi
Mure apodiyaa kopaalot
Kikhon he oi likhile
Aau bhau eku puwaa nai
Oi kihot nu ki khone pale oi
Ture kotha bhabi mur
Dali dali kami haar ulaai
O toi janoi dekhun
Mure bukut tuke disung thai
Pise moromor umaan turenu bukut
Aajiyu je nepaisung moi
Ram Ram Hori Hori manisung moi
Keloi nu pani pani khuwaiso toi
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Hori Hori Manisung Moi Assamese Lyrics
Read Hori Hori Manisung Moi Lyrics in Assamese
টুক দেখী মৰোমোতে একুলা
লোবলোই মনে জয়
টুক দেখী ধেমালিতে এছুমা
দিবলোই মনে জয়
ও তোই জানোৱে বুকু দেখুন মুৰেত
টুকে ডিছুং থাই
পিচে মৰোমৰ উমান টুৰেনু বুকুত
নপাইছুং হায় নেপাইছুং হায় মই
ৰাম ৰাম হৰি হৰি মানিসুং মই
কেলোইনু পানী পানী খুৱাইছো তোই
ভবিচিলুং মৰোমে বন্ধিমে
টুক জিদিনা মুৰ বুকুতে
উমোলি ঠাকিবি হিদিনা
বুকুখোনি কেলোইনু ভাঙিসো খুন্দিসো
নিজোৰ বুলি ভবুং টুক নিচেকেই নুবুজো
অ তোই জানোই দেখুন
মুৰে বুকুট টুকে ডিছুং থাই
পিছে মৰোমোৰ উমান তুৰেনু বুকুত
নেপাইছুং হে নেপাইছুং মই
ৰাম ৰাম হোৰী হৰি manisung moi
কেলয় নু পানী পানী খুৱাইছো তোই
মুৰে আপোডিয়া কোপালোট
কিখোন হে অই লিখিলে
আউ ভাউ একু পুৱা নাই
ঐ কিহোত নু কি খোনে পালে ঐ
তুৰে কোঠা ভাবি মুৰ
ডালি ডালি কামি হৰ উলাই
অ তোই জানোই দেখুন
মুৰে বুকুট টুকে ডিছুং থাই
পিছে মৰোমোৰ উমান তুৰেনু বুকুত
আজিয়ু জে নেপাইছুং মই
ৰাম ৰাম হোৰী হৰি manisung moi
কেলয় নু পানী পানী খুৱাইছো তোই
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Hori Hori Manisung Moi Video on YouTube-
Who wrote the lyrics of this song?
Sarat Sravan wrote the lyrics of this song.
Who sang this song lyrics?
KhrishnaRaaz sang this song.
Final words: “Hori Hori Manisung Moi” is a fun and upbeat Assamese song by KrishnaRaaz. The track has a catchy tune with a fast tempo that makes it perfect for dancing. The lyrics of the song talk about the singer’s love for their partner and how they want to spend time with them. KrishnaRaaz’s voice adds to the energy of the track, making it a favorite among Assamese music lovers. Overall, “Hori Hori Manisung Moi” is a great example of the festive and romantic side of Assamese music.
So, here is the full lyrics of Hori Hori Manisung Assamese song. You can read the full Hori Hori Manisung Moi Lyrics in both English and Assamese Language in this article. I hope you all liked this post, please share and support BanglaLyricZone.
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