NO ENTRY by Niyor Bikash is a new Assamese song released on YouTube. The song is for the love birds. As the song basically shows how a boy try on a girl and the girl also likes the boy. Its a classic Assamese song and today we are going to share the full lyrics of the song No Entry Lyrics in Assamese and English.
Before we get to our lyric section, here are some details about the song No Entry by Niyor Bikash-
Song Details:

Singer: Niyor Bikash Gogoi
Music / Mix Master : Parthajyoti Baruah
Lyrics-Tuned : Niyor Bikash,Ankur Senaapati
Category: Assamese song
Release Date: 7th April 2023
NO ENTRY Lyrics in Assamese
Read NO ENTRY Lyrics in Assamese language-
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NO ENTRY Lyrics in English
Read this lyrics in English language-
No Entry No Entry
No Entry No Entry
No Entry No Entry
No Entry No Entry
No Entry Jibonot Maribine Entry
Mure Oi Bukure Ase Janu Gaurantee
Premorer Naamote Choli ase Durniti
Kakoti Mukhere Huni Palu Kotha ti
No Entry NO Entry/…….
No Entry Jibonot Maribine Entry
Mure Oi Bukure Ase Janu Gaurantee
Premorer Naamote Choli ase Durniti
Kakoti Mukhere Huni Palu Kotha ti
Etiyai Lagil Gomogu
Rupe Sai Korilu Moi Bhul
Premot Pori Lolu Janoi
Kechesi Oi Lul
Gaote Lagil Hulustul
Hoi Gol Civil Gondogul
Gaote Lagil Hulustul
Hoi Gol Civil Gondogul
Roi Roi Roti Moina Moti
Tumalokor Ghoroloi
Roi Roi Roti Moina Moti
Hodai Jabo Paro Moi
Jodi Dia Moromor
Jodi Dia Moromor Maat
Oi Bhonti Buli matile
Dada Buli Muk Nokobi
Tuk Dekhare Dine Dhori
Rati Noha Hol tupuni
Tuk Nija Kori Loboloi
Mur Hua Nai Chakori
Etia Lagil Gondogul
Rupe Sai Korilu Moi Bhul
Premot Pori Lolu Janoi
Kechesi Oi Lul
Gaote Lagil Hulustul
Hoi Gol Civil Gondogul
Gaote Lagil Hulustul
Hoi Gol Civil Gondogul
Ehe Muloi ahile janoiii
morom dibo lagibo, cheneh Dibo lagibo
Aru Lagibo Mukhor Mitha maat
Ehe Turenu Bhabonat Janoi
Morisu Moi bipangot
Porisu Moi bezarot
Buku Bikhaise Premor Naamot
Ketiai Lagil Gondogul
Rupe sai korilu moi bhul
Premot Pori Lolu Janoi
Kechesi Oi Lul
Gaote Lagil Hulustul
Hoi Gol Civil Gondogul
Gaote Lagil Hulustul
Hoi Gol Civil Gondogul
Gaote Lagil Hulustul
Hoi Gol Civil Gondogul
Aaao Joubolaaa
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Who wrote the song No Entry Lyrics?
Niyor Bikash wrote the lyrics of this song.
Who sang this song?
Niyor Bikash,Ankur Senaapati Sang this song.
Final Words: “No Entry” is a popular Assamese song that features catchy beats and clever wordplay. The lyrics depict the struggles of a man trying to enter a club, but being stopped due to various reasons. The song’s playful tone and relatable theme have made it a hit among audiences in Assam.
We Hope you liked this song No Entry lyrics in English. Also read this lyrics in Assamese on Bangla lyric Zone.
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