Moinajaan is a newly released Assamese song on the YouTube channel Tavreed. The song is basically a love song with calming tune and beautiful lyrics. The song is receiving a good response from the audience. If you also love the song then read this new Assamese song Moinajaan lyrics in English and Assamese. Will also share Moinajaan song meaning in this post.
Before we get to our lyrics session here are some details about the song MoinaJaan (মইনাজান) by Ritom Borah
Song details:

Song: Moinajaan
Vocals : Ritom Borah
Music : Tavreed
Lyrics / Composition : Pritom Nath
Guitars : Hirak Jyoti Sarma
Category: Assamese song
Release date: Jun 6, 2023
Moinajaan (মইনাজান) Lyrics by Ritom Borah
Read this New Assamese song Moinajaan lyrics in English-
Horini Noyoni Chokure
Asa Ba Sun Keneke
Laje Laje Mor Sun
Premot Poru Poru Lage
Tumi Kakhote Role
Janane Ene Lage
Tumare Ruborute
Mure Uri Mare Mone
Pisoli Poribo KHuje Tumate
O Morom Hasisu Tumale,
Morom Hiyare Kunote
O Ahiba Lobole
Morom Bukure Majole
Janoi Jaan, Janoi Jaan
Moromor Moina Jaan
Janoi Jaan, Janoi Jaan
Moromor Moina Jaan
Lajuki KHujere Lahekoi
Joubona Morom Bur Bukut Loi
Lajuki KHujere Lahekoi
Joubona Morom Bur Bukut Loi
Ahiba Ne Tumi Hosake
Niba Jiya Khone Ase Roi
Lahe Lahe tumi Kakhole Ahi
Muloi Sai Mariba Misiki Hahiu
OOo rakhisu Janane Tumake Bhabi
Bukure Morom Mur Tumale Buli
O Morom Hasisu Tumale,
Morom Hiyare Kunote
O Ahiba Lobole
Morom Bukure Majole
O Morom Hasisu Tumale,
Morom Hiyare Kunote
O Ahiba Lobole
Morom Bukure Majole
Janoi Jaan Janoi Jaan
Moromor Moinajaan
Janoi Jaan Janoi Jaan
Moromor Moinajaan
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Moinajaan Lyrics in Assamese
Updating soon- you can request as the English translation of the song from the contact us page-
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Who wrote the song lyrics?
Pritom Nath wrote the lyrics of this song.
Who sang this song?
Ritom Borah sangeet song.
Final words:
We hope you like this New Assamese song MoinaJaan lyrics in English. Also, read this song Moinajaan lyrics meaning on Bangla lyrics Zone.
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