MOiNA BLACK BEAUTY Lyrics by TAPAN HAZARIKA is the latest Assamese song. The song is a funny song and has amazing lyrics. If you are also looking for these lyrics then here is the full song Moina Black Beauty lyrics in Assamese and English.
Before we get to our lyrics section, here are some details about the song Moina Black Beauty Lyrics by Tapan Hazarika.
Song Details:

Singer :Tapan Hazarika
lyrics/tune: Anshuraj kashyap
Music producer: Papz
Aditional progaming: Manash Antarnga
Category: Assamese Song
Release Date: Apr 8, 2023
Moina Black Beauty lyrics in Assamese
Read Moina Black Beauty lyrics in the Assamese language-
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Moina Black Beauty lyrics in English
Read these full lyrics in the English language-
Oi Chale Chokorua Moina Oi
Ki Je Ture Chaoni
Dekhi Bhale Lage Hosakoi
Misikiya Hahiti
Chale Chokorua Moina Oi
Ki Je Ture Chaoni
Dekhi Bhale Lage Hosakoi
Misikiya Hahiti
Boga Holeu Nohobo
Kame Kajeu Lagibo
Toi AKou Dhuniya Sobotke Hukiya
janone Kothati
Toi Ako Toi Ako Toi AKo
Moina Black Beauty
Toi Ako Toi Ako Toi AKo
Moina Black Beauty
Oi Tultoliya Dukhon Gaal
Dekhilei morom loga
Nesaleu Nuaru Ture premot Pogola
Jobo Thakote Biya Khon
Patile tu Bhalei Hoi
Logor Homoniyau
Log Palei Takei Koi
Toi Ako Dhuniya Sobotke Hukhya
Janone Kotha ti
Toi Ako Toi Ako Toi Ako Moina
Black Beauty
Toi Ako Toi Ako Toi Ako Moina
Black Beauty
Toi Khitikikhi kori magur makh
Hunile Dehat pore haat
Mure Nu Ghor Tenga Khat
Dhiniki Dhin daw dhulor maat
Tihiti Tihiti Pepar Maat
Moi Nohole OI Moina
Jaan Buli Matibi Kaak
Toi Ako Dhuniya Sobotke Hukhya
Janone Kotha ti
Toi Ako Toi Ako Toi Ako Moina
Black Beauty
Toi Ako Toi Ako Toi Ako Moina
Black Beauty
More Lyrics:
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Who wrote the song Moina Black Beauty Lyrics?
Anshuraj kashyap wrote the lyrics of this song.
Who sang this song?
TAPAN HAZARIKA sang this song.
Final Words: “Moina Black Beauty” is a popular Assamese song by Tapan Hazarika that pays tribute to the beauty and grace of the traditional Assamese dress, the Mekhela Chador. The song’s melodious tune and heartfelt lyrics celebrate the cultural heritage of Assam and have struck a chord with audiences across the region.
We Hope you liked this full song Moina Black Beauty Lyrics in Assamese. Also read this lyrics in English language on Bangla Lyric Zone.
More Lyrics: