Kichu Kotha is a newly released Bengali song on YouTube. The song was sung by Riyad and the lyrics we written by Riyad. Is a beautiful song with some heart-touching lyrics. Today in this post we are going to share, Kichu Kotha Lyrics in English and Bengali.
Before we get to our lyrics section, here are some details about the song Kichu Kotha by Riyad
Song details:

Song : Kichu Kotha (কিছু কথা)
Lyric,Tune,Music & Voice : Riyad
Category: Bengali song
Release date: July 9, 2023
Kichu Kotha Lyrics by Riyad
Read Kichu Kotha Lyrics in English
kichu asha shopno basha
badhe moner aginay
bhalobeshe shopno boone
keno shongi chole jay…
kichu asha shopno basha
badhe moner aginay
bhalobeshe shopno boone
keno shongi chole jay….
buji tomay shopno loke
jani shethai tumi nai
ondhokare tobu eka hethe jai
bhalobeshe shopno bedhe
ajj shunno e hridoy
bolo shopno keno dekhale amay…
ondhokar dake moner alo nibhiye
dekhe jaw,,dekhe jaw…
Hridoy churno kore
Aa dhuchokher sagore
bheshe jaw,, bheshe jaw..
bolo kon shukhe korle eka..
bedhe amar e mone bhasha
bhalobeshe Ki chilo khelaa…
bolo na keno amar bethaaa..
Buji tomay shopno loke
jani shethai tumi nai
ondhokare tobu eka hethe jai
bhalobashe shopno bedhe
ah shunno e hridoy
bolo shopno keno dekhale amay…..
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Kichu Kotha Lyrics in Bengali
Read the complete lyrics in Bengali language
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Who wrote the song lyrics?
Riyad wrote the lyrics of the song.
Who sang this song?
Riyad sang this song.
Final Words:
We hope you like this Bengali song Kichu Kotha Lyrics in English by Riyad. Also read the lyrics in Hindi on Bangla lyrics zone.
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