KAHILI PUWATE is a newly released Assamese song sung by LAKSHYAJIT BORUAH and written by BISWAJIT GOGOI. Today in this post we are going to share the song KAHILI PUWATE Lyrics in English and Assamese.
Song details

গীত – কাহিলী পুৱাতে
কণ্ঠ – লক্ষ্যজিত বৰুৱা | LAKSHYAJIT BORUAH
কথা/সুৰ – বিশ্বজিত গগৈ | BISWAJIT GOGOI
টাই কথা – মহন্ত বুঢ়াগোহাঁই
সংগীত – শব্দ সংমিশ্ৰন – লক্ষজিত বৰুৱা
Language: Assamese
KAHILI PUWATE Lyrics in English
Read the complete lyrics in English language
O Deho mai Kahili oi puwate
He halo loi moi goisilu
Hai OI Dehi Oi Kandhote oi Nangol ti
Kandhote Oi Nangol ti loi
O dehomai bhabolai hagor khoni
Puti bahi furisu
Puti bahi furisu
Hai Oi Dehi oi Ture Sobi Bukute
ture sobi bukute Loi
Hunuali dhanoni r maje maje hun tora
Horu nu horuali
Horu nu horuali hun tora
Tumi Mur Hajua
Tumi Mur Hajua kora
Khujot nu hale jale hun tora
Tumar lahi kokal ti
Tumar lahi kokal ti huntora
hopunor tua moni hopunor tua moni kore
Hosakoi hudisu o moina
misa koi nokobi o moina
nogori o janu moi
logori o janu mur hoba
O deho mai sale nu soku rua
Tumar noyon juri
Hai Oi Dehi oi Kuli t koi hubola
Kuli t koi hubola maat
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KAHILI PUWATE Lyrics in Assamese
Read the Lyrics in the Assamese language here
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Final words:
We hope you like this Assamese song KAHILI PUWATE Lyrics in English by LAKSHYAJIT BORUAH. Also, read KAHILI PUWATE lyrics in Assamese on the Bangla lyrics zone.