Gaonburhar Podulit is a viral Assamese song which is loved by many. The song was released 3 months ago and people still watching it everyday. So, if you are looking for the lyrics of this song then here is the the full lyrics of Gaonburhar Podulit Lyrics in Assamese and English.
Before we get to our lyric section, here are somed details about the song Gaonburhar Podulit by Lakhinadan Lahon-
Song Details:

Song: Gaonburhar Podulit
Singer(s): Lakhinandan Lahon
Musician(s): Typhoon Music
Written by: Abhijeet Baruah
Label(©): Lakhinandan Lahon
Gaonburhar Podulit Lyrics in English
Read Gaonburhar Podulit Lyrics in English language-
Gobin Dai Ram!
Hunilu Duronit Kuli Ketekiye
Jurise Bohagor Gaan
Ujoni Namoni Rongote Nachise
Bihuti Axomir Pran
Horu Hutaar Seleng Khoni
Boi Diya Horu Bhoni
Bihu Mariboloi Jau Oi
Gobin Dai Ram!
Tatore Patote
O Horu Bhoni
Makur Khit Khitoni
O Horu Bhoni
Juhalote Bohi
Pitha Pona Puri
Bihuloi A Buli
Holine Ajori
Bihure Tolite Bihuwan
Jasibine Nai
Dhuleti Bojai Dim
Nashibine Kokal Ghurai Ghurai
Gaate Gaa Lagile Sabi Dei
Deha Rome Romai
Laajote Najabi Aatori
Mure Dusokule Sai
Kati Bihu Kongali
Maghor Bihu Bhogali
Bohagot Dhemali Koru Oi
Gobin Dai Ram!
Gaonburhar Podulit Gundhase Maloti
Keteki Mure Molai Oi
Gobindai Ram!
Gobindai Ram!
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Gaonburhar Podulit Lyrics in Assamese
Read Gaonburhar Podulit Lyrics in Assamese language-
গোবিন দাই ৰাম!
হুনিলু ডুৰনিট কুলি কেটেকিয়ে
জুৰিছে ব’হাগ’ৰ গান
উজোনি নমনি ৰংগোটে নাচিছে
বিহুতি অক্ষোমিৰ প্ৰাণ
হোৰু হুটাৰ চেলেং খোনি
বয় দিয়া হোৰু ভোনি
বিহু মাৰিবলোই জাউ ঐ
গোবিন দাই ৰাম!
টাটোৰে পাটোটে
হে হোৰু ভোনি
মাকুৰ খিত খিতনি
হে হোৰু ভোনি
জুহালোতে বহী
পিঠা পোনা পুৰী
বিহুলয় এ বুলী
হলিন অজোৰী
বিহুৰে তোলিতে বিহুৱান
জাচিবিন নাই
ধূলেতি বজাই ডিম
নাছিবিন কোকাল ঘুৰাই ঘুৰাই
গাতে গা লাগিলে সবি দেই
দেহা ৰোম ৰোমাই
লাজোতে নাজাবী আতৰি
মুৰে ডুছকুলে চাই
কাতি বিহু কংগালী
মাঘোৰ বিহু ভোগালী
বহগোট ধেমালি কোৰু ঐ
গোবিন দাই ৰাম
গাওঁবুৰহৰ পদুলিত গুণ্ডাছে মালোটি
কেটেকি মুৰে মোলাই ঐ
গোবিন্দাই ৰাম!
গোবিন্দাই ৰাম!
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Who wrote the song Gaonburhar Podulit Lyrics?
Abhijit Baruah wrote the lyrics of this song.
Who sang this song?
Lakhinandan Lahon sang this song.
Final Words: “Gaonburhar Podulit” is a classic Assamese folk song composed by Lakhinandan Baruah. The song highlights the beauty and simplicity of village life and the love for one’s homeland. It has a nostalgic melody and soulful lyrics that evoke emotions of love, pride, and longing for the rural roots.
We Hope you liked this Assamese song Gaonburhar Podulit lyrics in Assamese. Also read the full lyrics in English on Bangla Lyric Zone.
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