Don’t Break My Heart is a newly released Assamese song on YouTube. The song was sung by Zubeen Garg and it was written by Abhijit Bhattacharya, Ajoy Phukan. It is a beautiful Assamese song that will steal your heart. Today in this post we are going to share Don’t Break My Heart Lyrics in English and Assamese.
Before we get to our lyrics section, here are some details about the song Don’t Break My Heart by Zubeen Garg
Song details:

Song: Don’t Break My Heart
Singer: Zubeen Garg, and Neel Akash
Lyric & Tune: Abhijit Bhattacharya, Ajoy Phukan
Category: Assamese song
Release date: Jun 29, 2023
Don’t Break My Heart Lyrics by Zubeen Garg
Read Don’t Break My Heart Lyrics in English
Don’t Break My Heart, Don’t Break My Heart
Don’t Break My Heart ,Don’t Break My Heart
Tomar Kajol Kajol Kajol NOyonnn
Herai Jabole Mon,
Mor Pagol Pagol Pagol Morom
Tumale Hoi Mogon
Protipol, Protikhon
Tumake Korisu POn
Tumakei Hamori Lom
Jonome Jonom,
Ahana Ahana Kakholoi Oi
Lebuku Bhal Pua Loi
NaNA Najabana Durole Oi
Bukute Betha Hisi Thoi
O Baby You are my love you are my life
Don’t break my heart
Du chokut Kinu Saba Laj laj Laj Laj Lagi jai
Morome Peri Peri Muke Jukai
O Dhou Tula Chuli Tare
Hat Hat Hat Hat Hatote Bulai
Mou Khona Hahi Ti Uthote Lukai
Mori Jaam Buli Kobo Khuju Ti
Sai Dila Tumi Moromote
Bhal Paw Buli Kobo Khujotei
Chuma Aki Dila Moromote
Aha Na Ahana Kakhole Oi
Le Buku Bhal Puwa Loi
Na Na Najabana Durole Oiii
Bukute Betha Hisi thoi
O Baby You are my love you are my life
don’t break my heart
don’t break my heart
don’t break my heart
don’t break my heart
don’t break my heart
Tumar Kajol Kajol Kajol Noyon
Erai Jabole Mon
Mur Pagol Pagol Pagol Morom
Tumate hol mogon
Protipol, protikhon
Tumake korisu pon
Tumakei Hamori Lom
Jonome Jonom
Ahana Ahana Kakhole Oi
Le Buku Bhal Pua Loi
Na Na Najabana Durole oi
bukute betha hisi thoi
Ahana Ahana Kakhole Oi
Le Buku Bhal Pua Loi
Na Na Najabana Durole oi
bukute betha hisi thoi
O Baby You are my love you are my life
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Don’t Break My Heart Lyrics in Assamese
Read the complete lyrics in Assamese language
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Who wrote the song Lyrics?
Abhijit Bhattacharya, Ajoy Phukan wrote the lyrics of this song.
Who sang this song?
Zubeen Garg sang this song.
Final words:
I hope you like this Assamese song Don’t Break My Heart lyrics in English by Zubeen Garg. Also read the complete lyrics in Assamese language on Bangla lyrics zone.
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