Bodhu Kore Anbo Tore is a newly released Bengali song on YouTube. The song was sung by GOGON SAKIB and the lyrics we written by NH KOBI. Is a beautiful song with some heart-touching lyrics. Today in this post we are going to share, Bodhu Kore Anbo Tore Lyrics in English and Bengali.
Before we get to our lyrics section, here are some details about the song Bodhu Kore Anbo Tore by GOGON SAKIB
Song details:

Category: Bengali song
Release date: Jun 24, 2023
Bodhu Kore Anbo Tore Lyrics by GOGON SAKIB
Read Bodhu Kore Anbo Tore Lyrics in English
Tui amar moner ghore akli premer sobi
ami tor Roshikh nagor tui Ki amar hobi…
Tui amar moner ghore akli premer sobi
ore,,,ami tor Roshikh nagor tui ki amr hobi…
bajiye shanai ore ,,,anbo tule ghore….
bajiye shanai ore,,, anbo tule ghore..
matiye dhaka shohor bou banabo tore……
baja re baja tora dhol-dhak baja ore..
bodhu kore anbo tare amari ghore,,,,
baja re baja tora dhol-dhak baja ore..
bodhu kore anbo tare amari ghore…!!
Roope tar agun jole,
mayabotir Oi phool e ,,
shohorer lokkho vomor
gungunaya jhor tole,,,
Roope tar agun jole,
mayabotir Oi phool e ,,
shohorer lokkho vomor
gungunaya jhor tole
Ami tar bono mali, shey amar anarkali…!
Ami tar bono mali, shey amar anarkali…!
onek shadhonar pore paichi je tare….!!!!
Baja re baja tora dhol-dhak baja ore,,,
bodhu kore anbo tare amari ghore,,,,
Baja re baja tora dhol-dhak baja ore,,,
bodhu kore anbo tare amari ghore,,,,
Tui amar moner rajje ,,,,
rakhbo tore Oi dile
urabo mon akashe,,,
icche hole din-rate,,,,,,
Tui amar moner rajje ,,,,
rakhbo tore Oi dile
urabo mon akashe,,,
icche hole din-rate,,,,,
Dekhabo shara shohor ,,,,
matabo ronger prohor …
Dekhabo shara shohor ,,,,
matabo ronger prohor
onek shadhonar pore paichi je tare ….e…….
(((Baja re baja tora dhol-dhak baja ore,,
bodhu kore anbo tare amari ghore!!!!!!)))(4)
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Bodhu Kore Anbo Tore Lyrics in Bengali
Read the complete lyrics in Bengali language
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Who wrote the song lyrics?
NH KOBI wrote the lyrics of the song.
Who sang this song?
GOGON SAKIB sang this song.
Final Words:
We hope you like this Bengali song Bodhu Kore Anbo Tore Lyrics in English by GOGON SAKIB. Also, read the lyrics in Hindi on Bangla lyrics zone.
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