Achi Kingba Nei is a newly released Bengali song on the YouTube channel Shishir Ahmed. The song was sung by Rafa and the lyrics of the song were written by Bakhtiar Hossain. Today in this post we are going to share this new song Achi Kingba Nei lyrics and meaning with English translation.
Before we get to our lyrics section, here are some details about the song Achi Kingba Nei by Rafa
Song details:

Song: Achi Kingba Nei
Singer: Rafa | AvoidRafa
Music Composition, Production, All instruments: Shishir Ahmed
Lyrics: Bakhtiar Hossain | Bay of Bengal
Category: Bengali song
Release date: Jun 1, 2023
Achi Kingba Nei lyrics in English
Read Achi Kingba Nei lyrics in English language here
Odekha Koto Bhore
Koto Klanto Kuwasha
Shudu Shopno Nirob Hoye
Roder praner taka
Ekhane Theme Geche
Obarito Alapon
Shob Hawai Mishe Ache
Kar Kono Dai Nei, Karon Ei Bhul tobu,
Jora Tali Mon Aro, Bhenge Chure Hridoy Bekul
Shomadhito Hok, Ekhane Juti Naamuk Bibeke
Ami To Ekhane Nijeke Khuje Jai
Kichu Bole Die Geche Ei Amake
Haraw Kisher Maya
Tomader Kache, Amar Kisher Day
Ekhane Shob Mitho, Sob Klanto Oshohay
Korche Shudu Mon, Fele Eshechi Ta Hoi
Ami Achi Ei Prane, Tate Kar Ki Ashe Jai
Ei Obak Jogot Dekhe, Koto Mithey Prolobhon
Tar Thoter Koner Hashi, ar Shriti Ahoron
Kon Chondro Mollika ar, Karo Khopa Khopi o Chena
Shudu Arale Fote Hay
Tomader Kache, Amar Kicher Day
Ekhane Sob Mitho, sob klanto Oshohay
Korche Shudu Mon, Fele Eshechi Ta Hoi
Ami Achi ki prane, tobe Kar ki ashe jay
Ami To Ekhane, Nijer Shathe Boshey
Koto Hisheber Sob ful Eke Jai
Ar Shoto Bhore Mugul
Jhore Jhore Shagor Pothe
chute obhidham dekhe dekhe jai
Tomader Kache, Amar Kicher Day
Ekhane Sob Mitho, sob klanto Oshohay
Korche Shudu Mon, Fele Eshechi Ta Hoi
Ami Achi ki prane, tobe Kar ki ashe jay
Tomader Kache, Amar Kicher Day
Ekhane Sob Mitho, sob klanto Oshohay
Korche Shudu Mon, Fele Eshechi Ta Hoi
Ami Achi ki prane, tobe Kar ki ashe jay
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Achi Kingba Nei lyrics meaning
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Who wrote this song Achi Kingba Nei lyrics?
Bakhtiar Hossain wrote the lyrics of the song.
Who sang this song?
Rafa send this song.
Final words:
We hope you like this new Bengali song Achi Kingba Nei lyrics. Also read this song meaning with English translation on Bangla lyrics Zone.