REST IN PEACE is an Assamese Rap song with a Mix of English and Hindi. The song was released one year ago on the official youtube channel of VAN M. If you also loved the song and looking for the lyrics then here is the full song Rest in Peace lyrics in English and Assamese.
Before we get to our lyric section, here are some details about the song Rest In Peace by VAN M.
Song Details:

Song: Rest In Peace
Singers: VAN M(Rapper) x AMITABH BAROOA(Hooked)
Lyrics: VAN M
Category: Assamese Rap Song
Release Date: Apr 12, 2022
REST IN PEACE Lyrics in English
Read REST IN PEACE Lyrics in English language-
Its VAN M, After a Long time
And Memo On the Beat Listen Yeah
Savage of the Street Yeah
Lets go
They Say I got Less Views, I be Like So What
I know i’m dope but my music never blows up
Thousand percent Hard work, but i got no luck
I tried to talk with God but, He never showed up
He might be busy or Perhaps he’s taking a nap
He might get cruel sometimes, Oh No But its a fact
Jab Mai Sarko Me Kese Me Royel
Every one betrays but pain will be loyal
Hip Hop wo drug, jo har roj mai leta geya
Khun Becha Ek Ke Bad Ek Dop Gana Deta Geya
Hip Hop se pyar lekin Hip Hop is a Whore
Jiske Pas pyasa only he gets to score
My Life is a movie, bate lage filmy
Khudpe Jabtak Nagujarta, Who can never heal me
Ghaw Bohot Gehre, I think, No One can heal me
Rather giving such a life god, why don’t you kill me
Kicked out from my home
I am friends with those street dogs and with them i roam
I dont know now my destiny, I just now wana rest in piece
Kicked out from my home
I am friends with those street dogs and with them i roam
I dont know now my destiny, I just now wana rest in piece
Sobor Ase Gari mur, City bus r Hat toka Honman Nai
Jene Hurpor Nak kota, etiaw mor monot pore
Paporik loi hat kota
Bhut kalot Modhusmriti, Nai pise mat kotha
Gari Bari nai, gut pathor oghori moi
Dukho Kosto Jatonai mur jibonor logori hoi,
Hulob mullote kune pai, maya bhora dogori hoi
Theka khaio tot nopoa eta dolar bogori moi
Khusra poisa rapper, Bhabo nijok boss buli
Rap game t prithibit moi Bot Gos toi Gos puli
Koi Diu Moi Sob Khuli, Ghrinar patro moi
Hit flop r professor, Toi iyat satro hoi
Hobdo Gyan Okhim, jene moha hagor atlantic
Shobdo burot Vacine ase, sobboke moi tapman dim
Shobdo Nhoi ea jen paromanobik Boma hoi
Nigoni oi, etia gatot goi huma toi
Kicked out from my home
I am friends with those street dogs and with them i roam
I dont know now my destiny, I just now wana rest in piece
Kicked out from my home
I am friends with those street dogs and with them i roam
I dont know now my destiny, I just now wana rest in piece
I know she used my like i am dust bin
Sab Bhulaya mai
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REST IN PEACE Lyrics in Assamese
Read this full Assamese song lyrics in Assamese translation-
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Who wrote the song Rest In Peace Lyrics?
VAN M wrote the lyrics of this song.
Who sang this song?
VAN M sang this song.
Final Words: We Hope you liked this full song Rest In Peace song lyrics in Engish. Also read this VAN M song full lyrics in Assamese on Bangla Lyric Zone.
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