Kandi Duti Noyone is a newly released Bengali song on YouTube. The song was sung by Gamcha Palash and the lyrics we written by Baul Akaeid. Is a beautiful song with some heart-touching lyrics. Today in this post we are going to share, Kandi Duti Noyone Lyrics in English and Bengali.
Before we get to our lyrics section, here are some details about the song Kandi Duti Noyone by Gamcha Palash
Song details:

Song:- Kandi Duti Noyone
Singer : Gamcha Palash
Lyric :- Baul Akaeid
Tune : Baul Akaeid
Category: Bengali song
Release date: Jun 17, 2023
Kandi Duti Noyone Lyrics by Gamcha Palash
Read Kandi Duti Noyone Lyrics in English
Bolbo ki r dukher kotha tumi amar nou
Bolbo ki r dukher kotha tumi amar nou
Ami tumar holeo shokhi tumi toh na hou
Ami tumar holeo shokhi tumi toh na hou
Bolbo ki r dukher kotha tumi amar nou
Bolbo ki r dukher kotha tumi amar nou
Ami tumar holeo shokhi tumi toh na hou
Kanna kati dholna meshoi
Aashar sarabon a
Ami kandi sara bosor duti noyone
Kanna kati dholna meshoi
Aashar sarabon a
Ami kandi sara bosor duti noyone
Kemon kore shoi porane
Kemon kore shoi porane bhebe tumi kow
Ami tumar holeo shokhi tumi toh na hou
Ami tumar holeo shokhi tumi toh na hou
Dukher chitaye jole mori baro ti mas a
Behaaya mon thake tobu tumar e aashe
Dukher chitaye jole mori baro ti mas a
Behaaya mon thake tobu tumar e aashe
Aakai der hahut aashe
Aakai der hahut aashe paashe nai rong
Ami tumar holeo shokhi tumi toh na hou
Ami tumar holeo shokhi tumi toh na hou
Bolbo ki r dukher kotha tumi amar nou
Bolbo ki r dukher kotha tumi amar nou
Ami tumar holeo shokhi tumi toh na hou
Ami tumar holeo shokhi tumi toh na hou
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Kandi Duti Noyone Lyrics in Bengali
Read the complete lyrics in Bengali language
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Who wrote the song lyrics?
Baul Akaeid wrote the lyrics of the song.
Who sang this song?
Gamcha Palash sang this song.
Final Words:
We hope you like this Bengali song Kandi Duti Noyone Lyrics in English by Gamcha Palash. Also, read the lyrics in Bengali on Bangla lyrics zone.
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