Jodi Boli Abar is a newly released Bengali song sung by Pratik Kundu. The song was released on the official YouTube channel of SVF Music. Today in this post we’re going to share Jodi Boli Abar lyrics in English and Bengali.
Before we get to our lyrics section, here are some details about the song Jodi Boli Abar by Pratik Kundu
Song details

Song: Jodi Boli Abar
Singer: Pratik Kundu, Sudeshna Das.
Music Direction, Tune & Lyrics: Pratik Kundu.
Category: Bengali song
Release date: Sep 25, 2022
Jodi Boli Abar Lyrics by Pratik Kundu
Read Jodi Boli Abar Lyrics in English language
Jodi boli abar toke kache paoar roji kori baina
Ek thikana te bari phera hobe r kichu chaina
Jodi boli abar toke kache paoar roji kori baina
Ek thikana te bari phera hobe r kichu chaina
Tui chule joto mushe jabe khoto
Bole jass amake jome thaka kotha
Kalanti shoril a du hath a joria
Shudhu aaj tor kole rakhte dis matha
Prem peroloni gulo mas
Bhalobasha mekhe aj tui obvas
Prem peroloni gulo mas
Bhalobasha mekhe aj tui obvas
Makhbo aaduru obe mara mari
Tor sathe joto bhab r aari
Shuhag ar sukhe aabile buke
Chol na bolbo sukher e bari
Jolaton Jodi chas tui baro mas
Sudhu tor sesh naam amay dia jas
Rag tag o hobe
Hobe oviman o
Gore jabo eklamise tor kotha chole
Din sesh a joto jome thaka kotha
Dujone bolbo dujonak ke mon khule
Prem peroloni gulo mas
Bhalobasha mekhe aj tui obvas
Prem peroloni gulo mas
Bhalobasha mekhe aj tui obvas
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Jodi Boli Abar Lyrics in Bengali
Read the complete lyrics in Bengali language
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Who wrote the lyrics?
Pratik Kundu wrote the lyrics.
Who sang this song?
Pratik Kundu and this song.
Final words:
I hope you like this Bengali Jodi Boli Abar Lyrics in English by Pratik Kundu. Also read the lyrics in Bengali on Bangla lyrics Zone.
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