Jalar Opor Aro Jala is a newly released Bengali song. The song was released on the YouTube channel “Sathi Khan”. The song was sung by Sathi Khan, and the lyrics were written by Pagol Mustak. It is a beautiful song. Today in this post we are going to share This Song Jalar Opor Aro Jala Lyrics in English and Bengali.
Before we get to our lyrics section, here are some details about the song Jalar Opor Aro Jala by Sathi Khan
Song details:

Song: Jalar Opor Aro Jala (জ্বালার উপর আরও জ্বালা)
Singer: Sathi Khan.
Lyrics & Tune: Pagol Mustak.
Category: Bengali song
Jalar Opor Aro Jala in English
Read lyrics in the English language
Ful dekhaiya katar mala poraile gole
jalar upor jala amay keno dile
jalar upor jala amay keno dile
Ful dekhaiya katar mala poraile gole
jalar upor jala amay keno dile
jalar upor jala amay keno dile
Moina Tiya pakhi amar rakhtam buke dhore
eto ador kare dilam bhablei noyon jhore
Moina Tiya pakhi amar rakhtam buke dhore
eto ador kare dilam bhablei noyon jhore
Premo khacha shunno kore faki dia gele
Premo khacha shunno kore faki dia gele
jalar upor jala amay keno dile
jalar upor jala amay keno dile
More lyrics:
Jalar Opor Aro Jala lyrics in Bengali
Read the lyrics in Bengali
Who wrote the song lyrics?
Pagol Mustak wrote the lyrics.
Who sang this song?
Sathi Khan sang this song.
Final words: We hope you like this new Bengali song Jalar Opor Aro Jala lyrics in English by Sathi Khan. Also, read lyrics in Bengali on the Bangla lyrics zone.