Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona is a new Bangla song released on the youtube channelRTV Music. The song is very good and has a beautiful lyrics. If you also loved the song was sung by Sultana Yeasmin Laila. And the lyrics were written by Salam Sarkar . Today we are going to share the complete song Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona Lyrics in English and Bangla.
Before we get your lyrics section, here are some details about the song Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona by Sultana Yeasmin Laila
Song Details:

Song:- Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona
Singer:- Sultana Yeasmin Laila
Lyrics:- Salam Sarkar
Composed:- Prottoy Khan
Category:- Bangla Song
Released Date:- 11 Jul 2023
Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona Lyrics In English-
Read song Lyrics in English language
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Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona
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Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona
Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona
Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona
Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona
Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona
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Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona Lyrics In Bangla
Read song Lyrics in Bangla Language
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Who wrote the song Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona Lyrics?
Salam Sarkar road the lyrics of this song.
Who sang this song?
Sultana Yeasmin Laila sang this song.
Final words:
We hope you like this new Bangla song Premer Manush Ghumaileo Hoy Jontrona lyrics in English by Sultana Yeasmin Laila. Also read the song lyrics Bangla on Bangla lyric zone.
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